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Book Review: The Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis
If you are someone who has followed Midwest Coven Cast for sometime (whether through our podcasts, newsletters, or our social media channels) then you know that I (Marilyn) am a huge book lover. Recently, I finished reading a book that I thought some of our followers may enjoy just as much as I did.
I came across Barbara Davis’s The Last of the Moon Girls (2020) in the Kindle Unlimited app a few weeks ago and after reading the description, decided to give it a go. I was not disappointed!
The Last of the Moon Girls follows protagonist Lizzy Moon, a marketer who works in the perfume industry (despite her own interests in creating perfumes herself). The story opens as she makes plans to return home after learning of the death of a close family member. She has been away from the family home for many years prior to this, and had become somewhat estranged.
The reasons for her leaving and losing touch are central to a mystery that Lizzy, whom upon her return to the family home, seeks to solve (and thus mend her family’s legacy). As is common for witchy women, her family was socially accused of wrong-doing in the aftermath of a tragedy and the finger-pointing became too much for Lizzy to bear. Now, with her return, she hopes to clear her family’s name.
For anyone who loves a good murder mystery, but also finds themselves attracted to witchy stories, this book is a fantastic blend of both. Give it a read and let us know what you thought of this mystery with a witchy central character.
A Book-ish Ritual for a beginning of Fall day
For many people, we can draw inspiration for our personal characteristics from characters in books we have read. This ritual is meant to draw in positive inspiration from a character we admire and cast away aspects of a character that we do not want to see within ourselves.
To begin this ritual, set up your space with items that remind you of the book or characters you’re drawing from. This could include candles, crystals, leaves or herbs that symbolize the traits you wish to invoke, and a small bowl with a bit of water or pinch or two of salt to represent cleansing and release. Sit in a quiet space with a clear mind.
Hold your favorite book or a piece of paper with your chosen character’s name and/or positive qualities written on it. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. As you breathe in, focus on the qualities of the character you admire—whether it’s bravery, wisdom, compassion, or strength. Visualize these traits as glowing energy surrounding the character in your mind’s eye.
When you’re ready, speak the qualities aloud that you wish to draw into yourself, imagining them flowing into your body like golden light. Say:
"I call upon the courage, wisdom, and grace of [character(s)’s name]. May these traits guide me and live within me."
Then, think of the qualities or flaws of the character that you do not wish to embody—perhaps fear, arrogance, or indecision. As you identify these, hold your hands over the bowl and release them. Visualize these traits leaving your body as dark mist and dissolving into the water or salt. Say:
"I release the shadows of [character(s)’s name] that no longer serve me. May I be free from these burdens."
End the ritual by thanking the energy of the character and the universe for their guidance. Dispose of the water or salt by returning it to the earth. Close by taking three deep breaths, grounding yourself in your new intention.
Shadow Work Prompt: Your Life is a Story
Think about the book you are currently reading. Choose a specific scene, character, or theme that resonates with you. Reflect on why this moment or character stands out to you. Does it remind you of a situation or relationship in your own life? How does the character’s choices or challenges mirror your own experiences?
Now, consider what you might learn from this part of the book. Is there advice hidden in the narrative that could guide you in your personal life? Does this character handle things the way you would, or would you do things differently? Why?
Write about how the book's story intersects with your own. Explore how fiction can offer insight into real-world experiences and challenges, and how the lessons within the pages might influence your own path moving forward.
Mabon Coven Coloring Club
Because this Mabon newsletter has some major bookish vibes to match the incoming cozy fall energy of the season, we wanted to provide our readers with a creative take on the coloring club theme. This turn-of-the-wheel, you are getting a sheet of colorable bookmarks! We recommend printing these on a thicker card-stock to make them a bit more durable for use. Color them all and use them all for yourself, or share a few of your beautifully colored bookmarks with a bookish friend or two.
Southern Hemisphere Shoutout: Ostara
Blessed Ostara to our southern hemisphere readers. As we take on more darkness, you will take on more light until we balance once again in half a year. If you would like to see how we celebrated Ostara when it was our turn around that part of the wheel, you can check out our last Ostara newsletter!
Weekend Reads and a Shanty for Me!
Midwest Coven Cast Presents: Weekend Reads will return on October 11, 2024! We are excited to finally announce that the book we will cover this season is The Book of Witches by Oliver Madox Hueffer. This season we will ensure the complete e-text companion is available a few days PRIOR to the start of the season. You will be able to access the e-book companion for the season, witch hundreds of editorial notes, forward, and hyperlinks to a plethora of additional information about people, places, and more found in the text via Amazon.
While we are on the topic of books, please remember the Witch Shanty Read-Along was published (and is now available) in both physical and e-book editions (also via Amazon).
Please consider purchasing one or both of these works to help support Midwest Coven Cast! Your support helps us keep our website running and pay for expenses related to having a business (post-office box, legal representation, permits, etc.).
Patreon Contributor Thanks
As always, many thanks to Patreon contributors Steve D. and Anonymous for their long support of our podcast and other witchy media endeavors. You help make the podcasts, books, and everything in between possible!
22 September Mabon
02 October New Moon (1:49pm CST)
11 October Midwest Coven Cast Presents Weekend Reads S4E1
17 October Full Hunter’s Moon (6:26am CST)
25 October Midwest Coven Cast Presents Weekend Reads S4E2
31 October Samhain begins
01 November Samhain ends
New Moon (7:47am CST)